More on the year that was 2008

2008 began with weird and ugly school politics.

Sophie liked the snow.

We had Mardi Gras around here (probably will do that again in 2009, too).

Even back in February, I knew Barack Obama was my new bicycle (among many other things).

I dunno, I just like the SpongeBob cast’s sense of humor here.

Will and I went to Alabama, and had fun.

I still like caffeine free diet pepsi and/coke.

Sabbatical Lite went on….

Will was in a show.

I learned more about plagiarism.

I turned 42 (and it was good!)

No NOLA for me.

I did not get the can opener.

Will and I went to a baseball game.

I made a strange trip to Jacksonville, FL.

I went to Georgia, too.

Will “graduates” 5th grade, leaves public schools (the most commented on post of the year by far)

Chris and I met at a fan-con.

We had crappy camping.

We went to Elvisfest.

I did push-ups, though poorly.

Vegas, baby.

Will dressed up.

My wife wrote me a lovely poem.

I had a very stupid customer service experience (and won).

David Byrne was cool.

Soccer and Halloween was fun.

Thank God that Obama won.

Greenhills is good.

Teaching full-time with no administrative release is a lot of work.

I made cookies.

We went to Ave Maria while in Florida.

And a happy new year was had by one and all….

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