Okay, okay, after this I’m going to get down to bizniz, I really am, but I found via Stephen Down’s site this very cool online image editing tool called picnik. This is the sort of thing that is going to solve some very common problems I have in classes where I have students make simple (and even kind of complicated) web sites. Teaching basics of Photoshop (which is all I know, btw) isn’t that big of a deal, but it is another layer of computer geek stuff, not to mention that most students don’t have easy access to this pricey software.
Picnik solves this problem– or at least it will probably solve about 85% of the problems my students have with images. Basically, it allows you to do a boatload of editing of images, it will allow you to edit images from services like Flickr or Facebook of Picasa or the desktop of your computer, it is cross-platform, and it is stupid-easy to use. There’s a premium version, but I created this image (out of this original Flickr pict) with the free one in about 2 minutes. Try it out.
Okay, now I gotta work and exercise and shop.