A couple weeks ago, I finally came around to the idea that I ought to use some reusable shopping bags for groceries and such. Part of it is the environmental issues everyone already knows about– a zillion plastic and/or paper bags filling up landfills, etc., etc., etc. But part of it is just to help declutter the house a bit and ditch all the plastic bags that get stuffed under the sink or paper bags in the garage or whatever.
But here’s the thing: Whole Foods was selling lovely canvas bags, but for eight bucks each, and it is essentially an advertisement for Whole Foods. So I went seeking alternatives, and surprisingly, I pretty much struck out. I tried places like Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, other grocery stores, a hardware store, etc. Nothing. Maybe I just didn’t look hard enough, but if places like the Food (W)hole want people to use reusable bags, they need to price them better.
Anyway, the solution I came up with was Ikea: I bought two of their giant and reusable bags for 59 cents apiece. They are gigantic, made out of a durable plastic, and the roll/fold up into a small-ish ball. I had shopping success with them yesterday; we’ll see how it goes from here.
I like http://www.reusablebags.com for finding great reusable bags, though I do agree that they get pricey. I was looking for a compact one I could keep in my purse to use for those quick runs into the pharmacy or whatever. I like the idea of the Ikea ones and just might gives those a try–I have a lot of the Kroger ones, but I don’t like going into another grocery store with Kroger written across the front.
Check out Greenfeet http://www.greenfeet.com. They have a Chico nylon bag in numerous colors for $5.00. They also sell a hemp shopping bag for $9. They have their garden sac, 2 for $4.95 and their canvas shopping bag is $6.75.
– Steve
The Ann Arbor District Library has cotton bags for sale for $2. (http://www.aadl.org/node/4906) The intended purpose is books, but they can be repurposed. Don’t have one myself or if they’re the right size for your shopping needs, but there they are…