I’ve been playing with the layout here for a while now, and I think I’m going to try straightening this out one more time over the weekend. The idea is to try to get this layout to work with a few customizations so that it is in the same style of my unofficial blog. My goal is to have a nice layout for my various sites and then to not think about it much for the next year or so. But I might give up and just pick a new layout. We’ll see.
Anyway, to anyone checking this site out over the next few days: pardon the dust.
Well, if you are looking at this in August 2007, then you’re seeing the update– at least as much of an update as I’m willing to deal with for now. It’s a VERY basically hacked version of the theme vSlider; if you follow the link, you’ll see the minor changes I made here. I was going to try to change the color scheme of this site so that it’s similar but different from my unofficial blog; instead, I just have a different set of header pictures on this site, pictures from my office and around campus at EMU.
Anyway, this will have to do until I learn more about PHP, which is a possible sabbatical lite side project.