Via Maud Newton, I came across this interesting link: The Mercantile Library Writing Studio in New York City. Basically, for as little as $100 a month (if you are just writing at night, for example), you can get access to a desk, a locker to keep personal things, and a computer and/or electrical outlets for your laptop.
I can imagine that the struggling writer living in a dinky apartment in the big city would very much welcome such a space. And this also reminds me of an experience in my MFA program at Virginia Commonwealth University oh so many years ago. A bunch of us got together and had a kind of party with a bunch of MFA types in the art department in their studios. Now these people had cool work spaces with all kinds of mini construction projects and stuff hanging about.
Which reminds me: one of the things I want to continue to do today is to get my work space “BAWS” ready, though I’m close as it is. It’s in the basement, which is not exactly the kind of place where a lot of people like to work (it isn’t as clean as ideal, and it is not necessarily well-lit either), but it is big, quiet, comfy, etc. I just need to clean up and organize a bit so I feel like I can get down to it.