I’m not sure what happened. It seems to me to be a conspiracy of some sort.
Actually, in my attempt to make ice cream for the first time in a long time, I had a failure that I really can’t explain. I followed the recipe to the letter, one from the very reliable How To Cook Everything, but I think what happened was I used too much fat– six egg yolks, half-n-half, and then cream. I haven’t used that many eggs in the past, and I have also usually made ice cream with just half-n-half.
In any event, this “failure” has inspired me to try again (stay tuned for more details), and it has also at least resulted in a rich and chocolatey drink.
Yea, I burned some microwave popcorn this evening, and I’m convinced it’s Steve’s fault, too.
Be careful, my friend. If you poke fun at local politcians people with no sense of humor might take your jokes literally. I mean, blaming a public figure for your personal problems could be seen as pathological, you know . . . :-) (for folks who don’t get subtle humor — the smiling face icon means “I am joking.” See, Steve doesn’t actually blame Pierce for the failed ice cream and is making a joke (as he often does). And I don’t really think he is pathological, I’m just kidding. Just thought I’d clear that all up). — Annette
I think he used all those eggs just to spite the frustrated chicken farmers, though. Chocolate eggnog, yum.