It’s not there now (because I deleted it), but I can no longer say I have never been spammed on my blogger blog. ‘Cause I have. It wasn’t that many messages– only about 10 or so– and it was easy enough for me to get rid of. All of them were messages about the damn Texas hold ’em poker, btw. Anyway, I am worried that this might be the beginning of the end of blogger-hosted blog for me.
As a teaching tool for blogging, I think blogger is the way to go in most cases because it is so fall-off-a-log easy to do, and it doesn’t require me to do any kind of maintainence/server administrative work. But I think I might be soon (this summer, maybe this fall) approaching a crossroads that will help (force?) me to make a different choice. My colleague Linda Adler-Kassner talked/conned me into figuring out how to use drupal as a CMS tool for the first year writing program here at EMU. She was very impressed with how the Council of Writing Program Administrators web site was working (powered by drupal), and I said I wouldn’t mind figuring out drupal for her and the EMU program. So, if I get it to work for her….
And then there’s also the possibility of switching to WordPress, which many folks swear by as being super-easy to install and all the rest. Still, when I tried to install it on my server space, I got some sort of error. I am guessing I can figure out what went wrong (I think it has to do with my previous install of MT), but therein lies the problem with all of these open source/support it yourself solutions: I don’t really want to figure it out because, while I know I can do it, I know what a huge time suck such approaches can be.
Still, it might be soon “worth it” time and energy-wise to figure out how to use this thing. So folks like Charlie and Clancy and others might be hearing questions from me soon.