One of the 1000 things on my “to do” list right now is to make the changes I’m going to make to my English 516 syllabus. Instead of focusing on “Googling, researching, cheating, plagiarizing” next week, we’re going to focus on “creative” hypertexts. See, I’m reading this book Memory Bytes: History, Technology, and Digital Culture, a collection edited by Lauren Rabinovitz and Abraham Geil. There are a lot of cool essays in this book, and right now, I just finished a couple about hypertext that I thought were pretty interesting. So hey, why not?
One of the cool things about teaching with technology– electronically distributed PDF files, web sites, email, etc.– is you can make a change in a course syllabus in an instant. If I had put together a traditional course pack and such, it would be difficult if not impossible to make that sort of sudden change.
Oh, along these lines: Johndan has hypertext on his mind yesterday afternoon with this post about Terry Gilliam, but really about hypertext.