Miscellaneous Naples Trip Issues

We’re wrapping up our Naples, Florida trip with the in-laws, and I thought I’d post a few miscellaneous comments/pictures.

The weather has been pretty fine– mid-70s in the day, around 60 or so at night. My father-in-law turned on the heat and was concerned if we were warm enough at night. It’s in the low 20s in Ypsilanti right now; yeah, I think we’re warm enough.

Da Beach
We made a number of short trips to the beach in Naples– I think three times. All two or three times, we went to this beach that involves a “shuttle” ride on a big golf court sort of rig down a boardwalk and through the mangroves to the beach. I don’t have any pictures to share of this here, but it was an amusing part of the beach voyage.

Will and Steve on the Beach

Here’s me and Will waving with glee in the sun.

A bird pooped on me

Here’s Annette after a bird pooped on her. No kidding. We were sitting there, minding our own business, when some seagull or something like that pooped on her. It was both upsetting and amusing.

Annette contemplating the world

Here’s Annette, the day after the bird pooping incident, contemplating the universe. Actually, she’s watching Will who is playing in the surf.

Anyway, I find the beach fun. Because of mis-applied sunscreen, I always end up with weird burns (my left forearm is burned badly because I forgot about it). I like to walk on the beach for reasons that are both about contemplating the world and people-watching. It’s a nice place to do some light reading, WIRED magazine in my case.

We went one night to catch part of the sunset on the Naples pier… a long story, that evening, but it turned out okay.

More later; now it’s time to eat.

2 Replies to “Miscellaneous Naples Trip Issues”

  1. Having a bird poop on you is supposed to bring good luck. Not sure where I heard that… but we can just believe it for Anette’s sake.

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