I stumbled across this via a cool site for all kinds of goofy web pages called web zen, which has a weekly theme for different links. This (last?) week’s theme was food, and among the links was this one, “Waiters Nauseated by Food.” I have no idea where this bit is from, but after a little Internet Movie Database research, I found out that both Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert were on a sketch comedy show hosted by Dana Carvey back in the mid-90s.
>>Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert
Those dudes are hilarious. I love the Colbert Report is a great show.
I know, the series are very funny, like the cute couple Pam and Jim, can’t wait for the next season.
I like The Office too and I had a look at your website Jim Halpert and it’s so funny! OMG I nearly died from laughing hehehe.