We’re going down to Florida this Christmas (on Wednesday, actually) to see Annette’s parents and enjoy some warmth. It might be a “cold spell” in Florida right now too, but I’ll take “cold” in the 50s this time of year over the real cold we’re having in the 0s or so anytime. Anyway, because of the upcoming trip, we celebrated Christmas a week early.
As usual, we had a lovely tree/lighting display…
Here’s Will with one of the two PlayStation games he got, this one based on the brilliant Spongebob Squarepants Movie. Actually, it was kind of a “multimedia” theme for Christmas gifties around here. Will got a couple PlayStation games, I got a really cool DVD/CD/scrapbook combo thing about the new U2 release (which is excellent), and Annette got the “definitive” (for now, at least) 12 (I shit you not) DVD release of the complete Lord of the Rings movie, with all of the previously cut parts put back in.
Here’s Will and Annette watching all three movies on Sunday, which I think took about 10 or 11 hours. They did do other things: Annette did some sewing and ironing, Will did some goofing around. But it was still all about The Lord of the Rings for the whole day. I watched a bit, left during the boring parts, came back, etc.
Incidentally, we went out and bought Annette a new iBook G4 on Saturday. Basically, we had a bit of money from the car settlement and she needed a new computer, and she really needed a laptop because of her book deal and because of all the work she does in coffee shops nowadays. And personally, I wouldn’t get a desktop computer as my main workstation. So good for her.