I can’t believe this is the first post of the New Year…

…but it is:

This morning, I came across a site that I am sure my wife will enjoy and that I am probably going to have to add to my RSS Feed reader: I give you Hello Kitty Hell. The story this guy has is that he’s living in a “Hello Kitty Hell” because his wife collects the stuff. But frankly, I think anyone who maintains a blog about this for a couple of years has got to have a bit of HK fetish himself. Funny stuff.

“I Has Sweet Potato” (and other readings)

I stumbled across the popular blog “Dooce” this morning, both as an activity in finding blogs to do research about and as an activity in avoiding other activity (e.g., “work”). I will have to return to the Dooce sooner than later because of the fine finds there. Here are three for now:

Okay, seriously, back to work.

Unofficial Notes on a trip to Omaha

Technically, I am on a business trip since I’m giving a presentation at a conference here in Omaha, NE at Creighton University– I guess I’ll write about that later on the official blog– but I thought I’d post a few miscellaneous and unofficial notes on the trip out here so far. For what it’s worth.

  • Got to the airport my regular two hours before the flight and I had about 90 minutes to kill. Which is fine– I would much prefer to be way too early than a little late. And which was also good because I sat at the wrong gate for about a half-hour before I realized what was going on.
  • The plane was a fairly small jet, not a “puddle-jumper” prop engine deal, but not exactly plush, either. I think it sat about 40 people. Anyway, things are going fine when all of a sudden, there is a loud “WHHOOOOOSHHH” noise in the cabin. I turned to the woman sitting next to me, who had also turned to me, and we both had a “what the…?” expression on our faces. Turns out there was a “minor” leak with some kind of door, but we weren’t losing cabin pressure, so the problem was determined no big deal. And I guess it wasn’t since we got here, though the rest of the flight was noisy, sorta like leaving the window in the car cracked while on the interstate. It seemed to get colder, too.
  • The woman I was sitting next to was a sociology professor at U of M-Flint. Small world.
  • Inexplicably, I saw a woman getting on and off the plane clutching a box that (according to the box, at least) had a pyrex glass cassarole dish in it. An odd carry-on choice.
  • So far, downtown Omaha, NE is nicer than I would have thought. Here are a few pictures from a brief afternoon walk:

Downtown Omaha park of some sort

This is a park/walkway of some sort right downtown about a block from my hotel.

Cute French restaurant/wine bar

There’s an area here called “Old Market.” It’s not a huge area (but hey, neither is Greektown in Detroit) with a whole bunch of cool little restaurants and stores like this one.

more Old Town

Here’s another shot of the Old Town area.

Notice anything different?

I bet you do….

I’m playing around with wordpress, which is an open source blogging software. The old blogger posts appeared to have made it here with no problems– or at least relatively few problems.

Eventually, I’ll rework/monkey with the pictures at the top of this thing so they are my random pictures instead of someone else’s. And then there’s the test against spam. What turned me toward blogger in the first place was all the spam I was getting with Moveable Type. We’ll see if things have improved, and if they have, I’ll probably move my offical blog to wordpress sooner than later.

Overheard in Gotham

I stumbled across this blog while surfing around tonight: Overheard in New York. Having been to the big city one and a half times, I can only imagine. But the idea that overheard conversations in NYC are more interesting that Ann Arbor/Ypsi isn’t that surprising. Go take a look and see for yourself.