This has been a busy week and a half (give or take) with school and life, and I’ve starred a bunch of stuff in my Google reader to go back to and post eventually, mostly iPad related. In no particular order, here they are:
- “Make a tablet stylus from a candy wrapper,” from Lifehacker. I don’t know if I’ll be trying this anytime soon, but I do find the stylus a pretty handy tool for reading and marking up stuff on my iPad.
- “Penny Arcade made a comic with a iPad.” I don’t follow this comic, but I like the idea that it was basically made with the iPad, a device that has been criticized for being only capable of consuming media.
- “DIY Pencil iPad Stand.” I don’t know what to make of this, actually….
- “Apple about to offer iPad newspaper subscriptions.” This was the whole sort of thing that dubbed the iPad as the “Jesus Tablet,” the device that was going to save stuff like newspapers. But what appears to be happening at this stage is that Apple and the newspapers are arguing over terms. Typical.
There was another article in the Chronicle of Higher Education that I can’t find the link for about how iPads are being used in universities, mostly misused as far as I can tell. There was some school where they gave students the choice of having either a laptop or an iPad and they seem surprised at the number of people who chose the laptop. Well, that’s a no-brainer to me. I still get asked on a fairly regular basis what I think of my iPad, and while I like it a lot, it is not a replacement for a computer. I could probably live without a laptop with my iPad because I have a desktop computer, but an iPad is not a substitute for a computer. What I have mostly enjoyed my iPad for as far as school goes lately is just reading and marking up the PDFs I am teaching. iAnnotate is my killer app.
And on a completely unrelated note, here’s a link to the completely excellent short film Logorama:
Logorama from Human Music & Sound Design on Vimeo.