Cory Doctorow had a post on boing-boing yesterday, “Daily Routines: a blog about the habits of interesting people.” The blog he was talking about, Daily Routines, is only kinda/sorta interesting. More interesting to me was the routine Doctorow described for himself:
I’m a total creature of habit, even when I’m on the road, a 5AM-rising daily writer; the last thing I do before bed is all the breakfast prep for a huge, elaborate three-course breakfast for the family so that I can bang it all out in ten minutes after getting to inbox0 from the night’s email and getting through all the morning’s blogposts, hot and ready by 7AM. I get a nap, half an hour’s reading and half and hour’s yoga every afternoon, get in two pages of the novel, two pages of the short story, and about 3 to 5 times a week, I write a column. Every Monday is podcast day. Monday and Wednesday night, I leave the office ten minutes early, get the kid from day care and make sure she’s bathed, fed and in bed by 7 when the sitter comes by so Alice and I can go to a proper 1.5h yoga class around the corner. Sunday mornings we have breakfast out, and I walk the kid to the PO Box, stop and play in the park on the way back, drop off all the stuff from the box at my office, then come home and put the kid to bed while Alice kills zombies on the Xbox. I love my routine.
All of which makes me think a) I need a routine, and b) I need a nap because I did not intend to wake up at 5 am this morning.