I perhaps should be posting this over at the web site/blog for the grad class I’m teaching right now, but since they are things I’ll want to come back to again later anyway and for perhaps other purposes, I guess I’ll post them here:
- “Teachers’ lessons go viral on education video web site,” which is a Dallas News article about teacher videos “going viral” on sites like Teacher Tube. The example of “Dr. Loopy” is a lot less interesting to me than the Teacher Tube stuff.
- “At MIT, large lectures are going the way of the blackboard” in the New York Times. Surprise surprise: small and interactive classes teach students better than lecture halls. But also surprise surprise (which is buried in the story): these classes are really expensive, and this format was made possible in part because of a $10 million grant from an alum.
- Alec Couros at the U of Regina has invited here participants in his “open access” undergrad and grad courses. The idea, as I understand it, is if students from elsewhere want to follow along and become at least kind of a part of the community, they are more than welcome. Sounds like it might be fun for someone in 516.
I’d write more now, but there is that whole dinner thing, and I believe that Will and I are going to watch Get Smart! this evening….