More redecorating with a new (and aparently bought and sold) theme

I found the current theme (as in today current– who knows what it will look like next week let alone next year) cutline and am going to be tinkering with it for But I thought I’d try to if not master it at least kinda control it here first. I like this theme a lot, though I had been planning to update my official blog theme so that it kind of mirrors but not quite matches the one I’ve settled into on my unofficial blog. Now I’m wondering if I shouldn’t do things the other way around.

Now, one of the things that I have discovered in 10 or 15 minutes of play with this is that the theme’s original developer, Chris Pearson, sold it to a company called Splashpress Media. Seriously? A company bought someone else’s theme and now is using it as, um, what, a way to advertise? Seems kind of weird to me.

Anyway, don’t be surprised if things look a little odd and different for a while.

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