I’m pretty much a total convert to gmail, but I have to say that the ads they run with my messages can be kind of strange sometimes. Usually, the ads seem to correspond to my messages. For example, since I write a lot of emails that have to do with teaching and college, there are a lot of ads on the right for things like online degree programs and teaching materials and stuff. I tend not to think about them a whole lot.
I just checked my email now though and at the top of my inbox was this ad copy:
Bullet Proof Bear Bag – www.Ursack.com – 8 Ounces–Cuts Pack Weight and Bulk Alternative to Hard Bear Canisters
The video on the site linked above was so nice I could not resist embedding it here:
And this ad targeted at someone whose idea of camping most certainly does not include the need to have a lightweight bag to store food so that bears cannot get it. Advertising gone to waste, bear bag people.
that’s funny. i am with you on the “no thanks, don’t need any bear-proof bags” front :)
Then you two are missing out on the best camping!