Wish I was there– or there (maybe)

I stumbled across the web site for “Internet Research 7.0: Internet Convergences,” which is sponsored by a group I had not heard of before this, the Association of Internet Researchers. It’s going on in Australia.

“Stumbled” is perhaps the wrong word. I came across this because Alex Halavais is blogging about it, along with his travel experiences.

Or, perhaps, I should be here, at BlogTalk Reloaded, which is happening in (I think) Vienna. Jill Walker has been blogging about this one lots and lots.

Of course, the fact that these conferences are on different continents than mine does present a bit of a challenge on my modest travel budget. Besides, both of these conferences, given their topics, have lots of stuff available about them via their web sites, which is why these might be good sites to return to when I start planning my winter 2007 version of English 516. And it’s also why maybe I don’t actually need to be there.

One Reply to “Wish I was there– or there (maybe)”

  1. Yes, I was torn–wanted to go to BlogTalk as well, but I’m on the AIR Executive Board, and so, that’s that.

    Come see us in Vancouver next year! Still a bit of a haul, but at least on the same continent :).

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