This is really a message just for me, just a reminder to look up this article. I say that because I know that Collin and Alex have been talking lately of the “value” of scholarly blogging lately, by which I think they mean (or at least I mean) scholarly-types participating in the broader academic discussion. That’s something I might comment on when I get a chance because that’s one of the reasons I write to this blog. But one of the other reasons is to remind myself of stuff I need to look at. So if you’re not interested in this, feel free to ignore it.
Charlie Lowe posted this cite to the tech-rhet mailing list: Barb Duffelmeyer’s “Learning to Learn: New TA Preparation in Computer Pedagogy.” Computers and Composition 20 (2003), 295-311. I’m not familiar with this article, but if it is what I think it is, I should probably include it in English 516 the next time around.