I’m playing around with the look of the blog, trying to make it look sort of like the new stevendkrause.com site. There’s two thoughts (I guess) and once concern I have about the new look:
- I’m using verdana and georgia as the fonts for this page because (and I didn’t realize this until I read it in a book I’m teaching this semester) these fonts were designed to be particularly readable on the screen.
- I’m going with a pretty simple design with a dark block across the top of the page because in my Writing for the World Wide Web class this semester, my students and I again and again really liked the pages with this sort of big block of a header at the top of the page like this. It just seems to make it more readable.
- My concern is I want to do something with this page to make it distinct form my “official” blog, which I’m also going to redesign soon. I think what I might do is change the grey background to something a bit more colorful; we’ll see.
Anyway, what does my vast audience think?