Bring the Colossal Colon to your next event!

From Mary’s site, I also found this site about the “Colossal Colon,” which “is an oversized model of a human colon that is forty feet long and four feet tall.” The goal here is to raise awareness of colon cancer, and after hunting around the site a bit, I learned that the “Colossal Colon” was the idea of Molly McMaster, who is a colon cancer survivor who does “crazy things” to raise awareness of colon cancer and such. She has a kind of interesting story, actually.

Anyway, I’m all for awareness of colon cancer and such of course, but I guess the thing that I find amusing is the idea that you can request to have the colossal colon at an event. I assume, of course, that the sort of event these folks have in mind would be a “health fair” or something like that. But wouldn’t it be cool to have it for just some big party? You know, set it up in the back yard, make people climb through the colon to get to the wine and cheese table….

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