A belated happy new year! (and "official" resolutions)

Despite being “on break” and visiting the in-laws in southern Florida, I can see next semester rushing toward me quickly. It’s going to be a bumpy start. I have two completely new preps and one kinda new prep, we return to Michigan on January 4, school starts on January 5, and I am just barely able to show up to my first class. Let’s not even talk about the rest of the first week.

Anyway, as I posted on my unofficial blog, my “unofficial” or “life” resolutions have to do with getting back on track with the diet and losing weight. Pretty traditional stuff.

As for my “official” or “professional” resolutions go, I have three, all of which are related:

  1. Read more blogs, both in terms of numbers and variety.
  2. Write less on this blog, because I’ll be busy reading the work of others and because…
  3. Get back to the textbook(s) manuscript(s) because these projects are “on again.”

For me, blogging is simultaneously a good way to start writing and a good way to procrastinate from writing, and I think I need to work harder at emphasizing the positive.

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