Two good things about MLA…

For perhaps obvious reasons, I won’t be writing here about the various “professional engagements” I have at the MLA conference. I will say that it is nice to come to something like this as someone who is very happy with his current job, but it makes me feel a bit old to see all the freshly minted PhDs in their brand new black or navy suits pacing about or trying too hard to look very very busy while waiting for their interview.

But I will mention two very nice things about the conference so far– or rather, about the location of the conference, the Pennsylvania Convention Center:

* It’s right next to the extremely cool Reading Terminal Market, which has diners, sandwich places, meat markets, book stores, chocolate places, fish markets, produce stands, miscellaneous gift items, etc. Lots of fun.

* I’m online wirelessly in the convention center. Which means I won’t be waiting in line to use one of the five or six computers MLA has available for using email. 10,000 people at this conference, and MLA has fewer than 10 publicly available computers. Pretty sad, if you ask me.

I’ll post a few pictures tonight or tomorrow.

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