Had a great time Wednesday afternoon having lunch with Jeff “Yellow Dog” Rice and Nick“Bedford/St. Martins”Carbone at a nice Mexican restaurant on Woodward Avenue in Detroit. I’ve been reading and enjoying and learning from Jeff’s blog for quite a while, but I had never met him in person, so that was cool. The three of us gossiped about the computers and composition world and talked a fair amount about some of the cool things happening at Wayne State nowadays, too. A fine time.
The only bad thing about the whole thing for me was leaving. I don’t actually go into Detroit that much, and it seems that every time I go, I have no problem getting into the city, but I always get lost getting out of the city. Yesterday was no exception. One of the major freeways through Detroit (“The Lodge”) is completely closed right now. That threw me off and after a critically missed exit, I ended up all the way in Livonia before I managed to turn around and get back to familiar territory.
Note to self: the next time I make a trip to Detroit, chart a path back home, too.