Well, almost zero. I actually have five messages in my inbox, but these won’t be there by the end of the day because they are all things I will be responding to and addressing very soon.
This might not seem like that big of a deal, but considering the fact that I had over 1000 messages in my inbox when I started “thinning out” my email yesterday, I think this is a pretty good accomplishment. I get a lot of email, and one of my bad habits when I get busy with things is to look at the messages in my inbox, answer/deal with the things I absolutely have to deal with, and ignore the rest. This works okay for a couple of days, but if you do it for a couple of months, you get a big mess.
We’ll see how long I can stay at zero. I’ve got some “rules” set up so that mail from two of my classes automatically gets filed away some place, as does all the mail from WPA-L, a mailing list I read off and on. (Lately, I’ve been kind of “off;” I think there are over 1000 messages in that folder that are unread.) But for the time-being, I will bask in the glory of a moment of cleanness.
Now I have to attack my computer desktop– not to mention my “real” desktop, my office, my yard, my…