School's out for summer; back in about a week or so

I just finished up the grading for summer school–EMU runs a “spring” semester in May and June, and a “summer” semester in July and August. It’s a lot of work because everything moves twice as fast (7.5 weeks instead of 15), but I had good classes and enough of a break in the spring.

Now it’s a mad rush into the fall term in two weeks– though really, it’s more like one week since I have meetings and stuff starting August 25. Sigh. Where does the summer go?

Anyway, I’m going to take a short “semi-break” in terms of blogging, probably a week, maybe a bit longer. I need to spend some time getting my classes ready of course, but I also want to spend more time actually reading blogs for a while. Oh, and I wouldn’t mind doing a little gardening, playing a little golf, goofing off a bit, etc.

See ya in a week or so.

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