When I was in high school and a bit when I was in college, I was on the debate team. Without a doubt, it taught me more about reading and research than any class I took in high school, maybe even in college. But it’s kind of a hard event to explain/describe to people who haven’t been a part of it. I don’t think my parents ever “got it,” and I think the same is true for everyone I have ever known who wasn’t involved in it.
Well, thanks to a link I received from a friend through another friend (all former debaters, btw), I found out about a documentary that I’m going to have to watch, Resolved. Here’s a YouTube preview:
THis looks like the kind of thing that might make it to the Michigan Theater, and if it does, I’m there.
My parents didn’t get it either. Luckily, they didn’t have to…
It’s still the best damn game I’ve ever played.