From the NYT comes this piece “Buy a laptop for a child, get another laptop free,” which is about the Nicholas Negroponte “One Laptop Per Child” initiative. Here’s a quote:
The marketing program, to be announced today, is called “Give 1 Get 1,� in which Americans and Canadians can buy two laptops for $399.
One of the machines will be given to a child in a developing nation, and the other one will be shipped to the purchaser by Christmas. The donated computer is a tax-deductible charitable contribution. The program will run for two weeks, with orders accepted from Nov. 12 to Nov. 26.
Besides being good reading for ENGL 516, I think it might be something I would be interested in doing personally. I like the idea of the goal of this project, and I suspect my 10 year old son and I might enjoy playing around with this new machine. I’m trying to convince him to be more of a computer geek by pointing out it isn’t just for games anymore….
I’d like to do this at the 4C’s–get a workshop on computers going and then, afterwards, donate the computers to a local community college.