Version 1.0,Spring 2007
My name is Steven D. Krause and I am a professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, MI. Most of my teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels explores the connections between writing and technology. Some of my recent scholarship has appeared in the journals Kairos, Computers and Composition, College Composition and Communication Online, and The Chronicle of Higher Education. I've also given presentations at many different conferences.
I started teaching first year composition in 1988 as an MFA student. I earned a PhD in Rhetoric and Writing from Bowling Green State University in 1996. My first tenure-track teaching job was at Southern Oregon University, and I've been at EMU since 1998. You can learn way more about me than you ever would want to learn by visiting my various web sites, most of which can be found linked off of my homepage,