I’ve published scholarship about rhetorical situation, multimedia/new media, blogging, writing pedagogy, self-publishing, and “the profession” writ large. My book, More than a Moment, Contextualizing the Past, Present, and Future of MOOCs, explores the context around and within MOOCs, both in terms of the history of higher education that enabled MOOCs, and also the situation within MOOCs themselves. The speed of the rise and fall of MOOCs was unprecedented, but the pattern is not. It was published by Utah State University Press.
I edited (along with Charles Lowe) the collection Invasion of the MOOCs: The Promises and Perils of Massive Online Open Courses, published by Parlor Press. I wrote and self-published the writing textbook The Process of Research Writing in 2007. My recent scholarship has appeared in the journals College Composition and Communication, Kairos, Computers and Composition, and in the edited collections MOOCs and Their Afterlives: Experiments in Scale and Access in Higher Education, Designing Web-Based Applications for 21st Century Writing Classrooms and Writing Spaces. I have also published columns and commentaries in Inside Higher Ed, AFT On Campus, and The Chronicle of Higher Education.