The Happy Academic: How much for that job in the window?

In my on-going service as a happy academic who nonetheless feels it important to offer cautionary tales to those who would themselves venture into the academic world, I’d like to offer this ad for a job that was posted on the WPA-L listserv: WRITING SPECIALIST Southwest Missouri State University is accepting applications for a Writing …

Should you go to graduate school? Good recent article and discussion

Via The Invisible Adjunct comes this article from the Chronicle of Higher Education,“Ignoring Good Advice.” The article is part of a very good resource for information on the academic job market, CHE’s Chronicle Careers pages. In the nutshell, the article is a humorous and fictionalized account of the advice a student received from her professors …

Paper or Plastic?

I have been meaning to post here about an amusing entry on November 12, 2003 at the Household Opera blog called “A Plastic-sack view of Higher Education”. With a title like that, it perhaps isn’t surprising that The Invisible Adjunct picked up on it in a post about part-time faculty. For me, the metaphor connecting …

Steve the Happy Academic, addendum to Part I: "They Like Me, They Really Like Me!"

Well no, not really. I was a bit surprised when I surfed by the Invisible Adjunct blog yesterday to discover that she had already posted about my blog, and then somewhat surprised again that her post about my blog generated a fair amount of discussion. You can read all about it by clicking here. The …