Advice for the new assistant professor; thoughts on being a new professor

Just browsing Inside Higher Ed this morning, I read through this article “Surviving the first year” by Shari Dinkins, and by “first year,” she means the first year of a faculty person on the tenure-track. It’s all good advice, though if I had to pick two– okay, three– highlights from the piece, it would be … Continue reading “Advice for the new assistant professor; thoughts on being a new professor”

Misc. Readings from "Up North"

While I was on vacation with family last week (the curious can read a few things about it here), I did do a little light blog reading, in part with the help of the off-line function for Google Reader. I don’t think I’ve quite figured out how to use it correctly, but I did manage … Continue reading “Misc. Readings from "Up North"”

The Strike of 2006: Day 7 (Picketing, Rumors, Dark Days)

It was another day on the picket line– a hot one, too. I have to remember to get on some sunscreen the next time I go out there, which, I predict, will be tomorrow morning. There seems no sort of settlement or even a renewal of talks anytime soon, even though I can think of … Continue reading “The Strike of 2006: Day 7 (Picketing, Rumors, Dark Days)”

The Strike of 2006: If you want to sign on to my letter…

… just let me know. I’ve received a handful of positive responses (none negative yet), and I’d be more than happy to present this as some kind of electronic petition/letter/etc. I could just add “on behalf of the following people” at the end, and resend a copy of it to the powers that be, to … Continue reading “The Strike of 2006: If you want to sign on to my letter…”

The Strike of 2006: Day 6

Let me start witha quick “news round-up” as I have it from stuff I can find on the web: “Strike at EMU leave students feeling confused,” from the Detroit Free Press. It’s confusing to everyone, actually. One quote from the article though speaks to a slightly larger issue: “‘A lot of teachers are sending e-mails … Continue reading “The Strike of 2006: Day 6”

The Happy Academic knew it all along: Being a professor is a good gig

According to a CNN/Money Magazine rating, being a college professor is the second best job you can have. Sounds great, right? Well, sorta. As I have mentioned many times here before, I think being a college professor is a great gig, and when people complain about being in academia (which is the subject of so … Continue reading “The Happy Academic knew it all along: Being a professor is a good gig”

The Phantom Prof: did she cross a line?

There was an article in Inside Higher Ed about the (previously anonymous) Phantom Professor being fired (or, really, not being rehired) at SMU because of some of the stuff she said in her blog. Lots of people have weighed in, including the equally anonymous Bitch PhD. If the blog was really the reason for the … Continue reading “The Phantom Prof: did she cross a line?”

More thoughts and questions about pseudonyms and blogs

Been an interesting day around here. As I mentioned earlier, I have found myself in the midst of a “discussion” about the use of pseudonyms in blog authorship, something I kind of feel like I stumbled into with a sidebar comment about the blog where I found the article I was discussing– see this to … Continue reading “More thoughts and questions about pseudonyms and blogs”

Hey, I'm popular with (pseudo)anonymous bloggers!

Well no, not really. Hits to my site are up quite a bit, and I didn’t really think of it much until I came across this post at the “Playing School, Irreverently. Basically, the “profgrrrrl” didn’t like the way I mentioned her blog in my blog the other day. Read the comments on the blog, … Continue reading “Hey, I'm popular with (pseudo)anonymous bloggers!”

Who was that masked blogger?

There’s a good conversation over at the blog about anonymous academic blogs. This link was working earlier, but it doesn’t seem to be working now… Anyway, Leuschke (I think his first name is Graham) writes: Is it as simple as fearing that your colleagues will find out you say the word “fuckâ€�? Or believing … Continue reading “Who was that masked blogger?”